Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover - Book Summary Ending and Spoiler

Book Summary, Spoiler, Ending | Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Tate has decided to move with his older brother, Corbin. When she arrived at the building, she met Cap, the elevator attendant. When she arrived at Corbin’s apartment, there was a drunk man lying in front of Corbin’s door. She tried to enter the apartment without bothering the drunk man, she also called Corbin. It turns out, the drunk man was Corbin’s friend, Miles. Corbin asked Tate to let Miles in temporarily.

While drunk, Miles muttered something. She mentioned Rachel, he even thought Tate was Rachel. Tate didn’t make a big deal out of it. When Miles woke up, he remembered nothing, he also doesn’t remember being led inside the apartment by Tate. That was the first time they met.

Corbin and Miles have been friends for long. Corbin even thought that Miles was gay because he doesn’t know any woman he’s been with. Mile’s last relationship was 6 years ago.

It is evident for both Miles and Tate that they are attracted to each other. They started seeing each other secretly. Most of the time, they spend the time at Miles’ apartment, which is just across Corbin’s apartment.

Miles and Corbin are both pilots and they have known each other for a long time. Corbin has always been protective of Tate, he warned his friends not to mess with his sister. He wasn’t able to warn Miles because he thought he was gay.

Corbin caught Miles and Tate – and he was not happy about it. Corbin even asked Miles if he loves Tate, and if he is planning to love Tate. His answer was no, and although Tate has expected it, a part of her was hopeful and hearing Miles confirm it actually hurt her.

Miles and Tate had an agreement – it was all just sex, there couldn’t be anything more. Miles couldn’t give Tate more than that, and Tate shouldn’t ask about Mile’s past and expect a future from him. Tate has already fallen in love with Miles, but she couldn’t do anything about it because he just won’t open up.

Truth – Miles is afraid to fall in love again. He is afraid to experience love again, because he no could not go through how painful it was. He is still hurting from what happened from his past with Rachel. Rachel was his girlfriend. He met her when she moved from Phoenix, and it turns out she moved because her mother is about to marry his father.

Miles’ mom died, and in less than a year, his dad has already married Lisa, Rachel’s mom. (Miles’ dad clarified that his mom and him has already broken up before she died and they are just staying together to be practical).

Rachel and Miles lived together, and both his dad and her mom has no clue that they are together. They pretended that nothing’s going on. They enjoyed the time they have together – which is before they leave for college. They agreed that they are going to end it when they leave for college. However, Rachel got pregnant and they had to tell their parents the truth. They didn’t take it lightly, as expected, but they had no choice but to support their decision.

When Rachel gave birth, everything seemed to have settled. They already have a plan on moving out. Miles’ dad even told him that he’s proud of him. They were happy, they have a beautiful baby boy named Clayton.

Unfortunately, when they got discharged from the hospital and were on their way home, they got into an accident and they fell. It was Miles who was driving, and they fell into the water. Rachel and the baby got stuck. Miles tried to save them both, but he was only able to save Rachel.

They were both sad, and they never recovered from this. Miles was guilty and Rachel sort of blamed him, she said Miles should’ve saved the baby instead of her.

6 years later, Miles is still carrying the weight of what has happened.

Miles and Tate ended. Tate has moved out from Corbin’s apartment to her own apartment. They had an argument, and Miles stood by what he said before. He just couldn’t love anyone. He couldn’t allow himself to love Tate. He allowed her to leave when she said goodbye, even when his bestfriend Ian (who was already his friend when he was dating Rachel) told him that he shouldn’t let go of Tate.

Tate was heartbroken, but she tried to carry on.

Miles was miserable too, and he decided to confront Rachel. He realized that he has to let go. He needed to talk to her for closure.

When Miles visited Rachel, she was already with someone new. She has her own family now. She fell in love again, and they now have a daughter. Rachel gave him the closure he needed – and even gave him an advice. She got past the misery when she met Brad. She also clarified that she never should’ve blamed him, because he did what he could during that time and it was never his fault. It was unfair to let him carry the guilt al these years.

After talking to Rachel, she went to Tate to fix things. He is now willing to commit to her, he is willing to answer any question she asks about his past, and he can now promise her a future.

Corbin eventually got okay with Miles and Tate (admitting that it was Miles who met his standards for Tate).

Tate got pregnant and they now have their own family.

The end of Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover.

Characters mentioned in Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover:

  1. Tate
  2. Corbin
  3. Cap
  4. Miles
  5. Rachel
  6. Ian
  7. Lisa
  8. Clayton
  9. Brad

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