159 Netflix Movie Challenge – follow this list and watch 159 NEW movies at the end of 2023 (Tiktok Recommendations)

Why waste time searching for the next film when you could be enjoying one right now? I’ve got you covered with an exciting list of movie recommendations that I stumbled upon while surfing TikTok. Whether you’re a movie buff or just looking for some great entertainment, this list has something for everyone.

This list is designed to make your movie-watching experience hassle-free and enjoyable.

Simply follow the list and cross out the ones you’ve already seen. These are all Netflix movies (I checked them one by one, as of July 30, 2023). However, please note that I used Netflix US and the availability may vary per location (recommendation: use a VPN to access Netflix US)

I’ve included 9 extra movies just in case you come across one you’ve already watched.

This list is random and does not follow a specific genre. Exploring different genres might lead you to discover a new favorite. And even if you don’t fall in love with every movie, at least you’ll have expanded your cinematic horizons. Even if the movie is something you don’t usually watch, don’t skip – and give that movie a chance.

Let’s put an end to the endless scrolling and start indulging in these movie picks. After all, each movie on this list has been recommended by someone on TikTok – so it’s somebody’s favorite out there!

Start this list on August 1, 2023. Allocate a time to watch 1 movie per day and you can proudly claim that you’ve watched 159 new movies in 2023. (Starting late? It’s fine, we all have our own timeline. It’s the same result anyway, new 159 movies watched)

Continue reading 159 Netflix Movie Challenge – follow this list and watch 159 NEW movies at the end of 2023 (Tiktok Recommendations)